A memorable HR journey, for employees to remember
When your organization uses an HR system with self-service across the board, it becomes imperative to control who has access to what part of the HR software because it involves dealing with very sensitive and confidential data of your company. Hence, permissions and role based access becomes not only a necessity but also a priority for you. We realize this importance and ensure that you get the control you require, right up to each feature level. sumHR’s permission options are perhaps the most detailed and granular you can ever find.
Power-up your employee database with as many customized fields of data points as you need. You can create and manage as many custom-fields as you like, without contacting our support team or depending on any technical team. Just click, define, design and save!
As if the power to create unlimited custom-fields wasn’t enough, we go a step further and empower you with the choice/types of custom fields. You can choose field types like alphabetical text, numerical text, radio buttons, dropdown, or dates.
Date-based reminders
Configure custom fields with date pickers in it. Uses may range from driver’s license expiry dates or even local body compliances renewing registrations. If you include a date in your custom field, sumHR will remember to send the HR team and the employee timely reminders as the date close in.
Control how employees interact with custom fields. Allow employees to edit the fields any number of times, close the edit access after the first submission, or even keep it ‘view only’ while you edit HR information. If required, you can even make the field totally private, with admin access only!
Include documents
There may be times where you require copies of documents to be attached along with the custom-field data. In such cases, you can make document uploads mandatory with the custom field so that employees can remember to upload it as they provide you with the information.
Up next
Take your first step towards bringing happiness in your HR! Our customer team will guide you.