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Employee Engagement Activities in Startups & Small Businesses

Employee Engagement

If your employee possesses a lack of interest in the organization and his/her job you’re in a pickle. Not only will you be wasting valuable resources such as time and money on an employee but the displaced emotions may be contagious to the other employees. After all the “rotten apple” theory isn’t limited to just apples.

Employee engagement activities

In case your employee isn’t a very big fan of the work itself, try orientation. Knowing the cause and effect of what an employee does will at least get him/her a fair level of understanding of the job. Once an employee understands what he is supposed to do, the interest in work will increase automatically. Therefore, orientation would be the most effective employment engagement activity.

Occasionally conducting light-hearted social gatherings and celebrating occasions in the office is a good employee engagement idea. It gives your workers a boost and something fun to look forward to. Traditional days, potluck, movie in the office, birthday’s etc. – familiarize your employees with each other and the organization. Your employee will eventually stop viewing the organization as a dreaded prison with the occasional fun.

Higher level of employee engagement

However, the most effective employee engagement activity and the best employee engagement idea is getting your employees to make friends with each other. It may seem like a simple solution but some of the best ideas are the best because of their sheer simplicity. Even at school, the most boring lecture was fun simply because our closest friends surrounded us. Studying turned less tortuous in study groups with friends.

A work place is much more pleasant and engaging when the people not only know each other but are also friendly with one another. It somehow manages to lighten up an otherwise drab activity. Also, as the HR manager you can instruct the senior management to adopt a friendly approach towards each other and towards subordinates. Instruct your employees to do so as well. Doing so truly makes an organization far more engaging.

The enterprise social network feature in sumHR, Streams, was developed keeping in mind the nature of employee engagement activities in startups and small businesses. You can try it out by signing up for a free trial (NO credit card required).

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